Welcome to our Chapter's official website


This site is dedicated to all those Vietnam Veterans and Veterans of other conflicts who ride, to all those that served and all those who made the ultimate sacrifice.


We are a non-profit incorporated association interested in the welfare and advocacy of all veterans.  To help us with out objectives, we need to raise funds by holding various shows and functions, so your help is needed.  By supporting these events we raise much needed funds so we can carry out our welfare work.


Please feel free to browse and enjoy the features of our website and contact us if you need any further information or just want to come along for a ride with us.  We promote all of our public functions on this website.  The Clubhouse is open most Friday evenings.



Upcoming Public Events




© 2023 All Rights Reserved.   All logos and colours of the Vietnam Veterans MC and Veterans MC are copyright and registered as a trademark.

Reproduction or copying without permission is strictly forbidden